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Writer's pictureRev Deacon Michael Kennedy

Holy Week and Easter 2021

After the challenges of 2020 and the Churches closing for Lent and the celebration of Easter, it was a joy to be able to gather to celebrate the Most Sacred Week of our Church Year, and to be able to have a proper Easter Triddum with people in the church.

We rejoice Christ is Risen, ALLELUIA

by Deacon Michael Kennedy

After the challenges of 2020 and the Churches closing for Lent and the celebration of Easter, it was a joy to be able to gather to celebrate the Most Sacred Week of our Church Year, and to be able to have a proper Easter Triddum with people in the church.

To enable as many people as possible to attend we put on additional Services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Our spaces soon filled up and all four services we reached our Capacity. On Easter Sunday, we also put on an additional Mass and again this was well attended.

For many of the services we had to scale down the liturgy but this added in a way to the Sacredness of the moment in time, although people could not come forward to have their feet washed, nor could they individually venerate the Cross, nor we were unable to light Candles at the Easter Vigil, nevertheless, those moments were marked with dignity and great reverence. The most moving part of the Good Friday Service was the Cross been carried through the Church by our two deacons to enable the people to spend some moments in adoration, accompanied by our Servers carrying lighted candles.

For many it was such a joy to be able to come together and the fact that we able to do just that, made up for the scaled down ceremonies.

Easter 2021 was a joyful encounter with the Risen Lord

We are happy

We rejoice Christ is Risen, ALLELUIA


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