foto credit @ Larraitz Garaialde
by Deacon Michael Kennedy
Sacred Heart School Key Stage 2 Advent Service - Monday 12th December 2022
On the Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent, Staff and Pupils, together with parents and parishioners, came together for an Advent Service in the Church. It was a historic moment again for the school, as this was the First time we had gathered to celebrate a service like this since 2019. Covid restrictions prevented the service from taking place in both 2020 and 2021.
The Church was full to overflowing on a cold bleak mid–winter December evening with snow on the ground outside. The Service was led by the Children who sang Advent Hymns, reflected on the Gospel Accounts of the Announcement of the Birth of John the Baptism, the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, the Visitation of the Mary to Elizabeth and the Message of the Angel to St Joseph. Each year group took a lead in
helping us hear once again those Gospel messages and the Altar Servers were all parish servers in Year six.
At each stage of the Service, a Candle on the Advent Wreath was brought in Procession and then placed in the Advent Wreath. Three of the Candles were then lit, the fourth candle remaining unlit to remind us we are still on that journey of preparation as we move towards the coming Feast of Christmas.
Deacon Michael in his address to the congregation reminded and encouraged the families to Make Christmas a Special time and to Put Christ back into Christmas, inviting families to come together in Church on Christmas day to pray and give thanks for the great gift of God’s Son. ‘Don’t let this be the only time you children come to church during this season of Advent and Christmas”
The Music was led by the School Orchestra and the School Choir and all joined in the congregational singing of the Advent Hymns.
The Children were a credit to the school by their participation, their wonderful singing and their joy at being together in the Church.
At the end of the Service we held a retiring collection for CAFOD.
The Executive Head Teacher, Mr Jared Brading, in his vote of thanks, commended the Children for their wonderful reading, beautiful acting out of the Gospel stories and wonderful singing and playing.
Parents should be truly proud of their children tonight, just as we are proud of them all year. He also applauded his wonderful staff, who had helped the children to get ready and prepare for the service, Get Ready and Prepare been the words they had heard all during their Advent assemblies and prayers in school.
At the end of the Service a further invitation was issued in the form of a leaflet to each person in the Church to come and join our parish family at the Christmas Services this year.
It was a joy to welcome the School Family to the Church for what is an important event in the School's life and our parish family.
Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus.
foto credit @ Larraitz Garaialde