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Writer's pictureRev Deacon Michael Kennedy

Feast of Mary Mother of God - Jan 1st 2022.

“Do whatever he tells you” Mary told the servants at the Marriage feast of Cana.


by Rev Deacon Michael Kennedy

Feast of Mary Mother of God - Jan 1st 2022.

What a beginning of the year it is to begin with Mary, as Mother.

We were all born of a Mother and many millions of women are Mothers- Today we think about and celebrate Mary, as Mother of God.

A French poet, Henri Jordin in one of his poems has God speaking about who he choose to be the Mother of his Son. “When I sent my son on earth, he wasn’t hard to please, about food , about lodgings or his state of life or anything, except his mother. But about her he was exacting, he wanted a masterpiece.

When we speak about Mary, we’re speaking about God’s Mother- we are talking about a masterpiece.

Mary listened to and received the message from an angel, and responded with her life. She placed herself at the disposal of God- she became the perfect instrument of God’s will.

And been open to God’s will mean that she would endure joys, and sorrows.

“Do whatever he tells you” Mary told the servants at the Marriage feast of Cana.

And she by her life did just that- even to standing at the foot of the cross when all the other apostles, except John, had run away.

Mary was faithful- so courageously faithful- a challenge today to you and to me as we begin this new year and this new decade , to be faithful even in those dark and difficult moments in our lives.

Mary, Mother of God, our Mother, Women of faith.

Centuries ago the church proclaimed that Mary is truly Mother of God- We believe that the one she conceived as man by the Holy Spirit, who truly became her son according to the flesh- none other than he Father’s son, the 2nd person of the trinity, Jesus Christ.

The way of Mary is the Way of Jesus Christ, He is the Prince of Peace, the light of the world.

“ A new commandment I give unto you- love one another as I have loved you”

Mary tells us “ Do whatever he tells you” So today at the start of this New year, May the God of peace bless us and come to our aid.

May Mary, Mother of the Prince of Peace and Mother of all the peoples of the earth, accompany and sustain us at every step of our journey of reconciliation.

And may all men and women who come into this world experience a life of peace and develop fully the promise of life and love dwelling in their heart.

So as we begin this New year- May Mary, Mother of Jesus, help us to understand and to live each day in that fraternity, as brothers and sisters, that relationship that springs up from the heart of her son, so as to bring peace to each person”.

Mary our Mother - Pray for us.



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